Posted by | 11/04/2015 | D&D Work | No Comments

Saatchi & Saatchi is back! This time it’s for EE, a campaign to promote their brand new and most exciting EE4G devicE; a gadget which allows you to stream live HD footage from a mobile camera to any smart device, streamed to multiple users simultaneously. Enough said on that, just check out our new advert for more details! As far as sound design goes it’s been a wild ride; so much scope for creativity and innovative sonic invention. The key concept was to convey that every moment is happening across a variety of different environments simultaneously; therefore it was important for the sound design to support this. The brief was to provide a ‘Premium Documentary’ style; finding the exact sonic balance between real life and designed sound. Every sound was carefully chosen and crafted to drive the narrative; providing the richness and excitement in audio content needed. We went out and recorded mountain bikes across different terrains, using some fairly nifty recording techniques; a lot of fun and a great chance to get some fresh air – A welcome opportunity for any dark room sound editor! We feel it’s going to be a productive year delivering the sound post production for Saatchi & Saatchi, keep your eyes on this horizon!