
Posted by | 17/05/2015 | D&D Work | No Comments

One day we got a call from the wonderful Max Ross at Storyculture in East London; turns out our portfolio of most excellent work was exactly what she was interested in, not to mention our propensity for undulating sonic rhythms, mind enhancing soundscapes and a well tuned and heavily seasoned aptitude for audio acrobatics. I write this all in good humor of course. But seriously it’s been great to hook up with producer Max, director Grant Taylor and the team at Storyculture. They put Grants latest venture Emigrant our way;  we said yes, with much enthusiasm! Emigrant is a heart warming and very sincere short film about a young boy who has his mind set to change the world – with a new game. It shaped up to be a really fun project, lots of inventive sound design and plenty of storytelling pulse points to plunge into our audio pool. The promising start to a most exciting working relationship with Max and Grant. Thanks guys!