Commercials Archives - Doppler and Dubbs - Sound Post Production

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Creativity and technical excellence
delivered on time and to your budget.

Recording, Designing, Composing
Mixing and Mastering for
top brands and agencies worldwide

Music & Sound Design
for the entertainment industries

Experience, intuition and a warm welcome
across a range of services.

We go the extra mile
time and time again

Welcome to Doppler and Dubbs. As a team we cover the entire range of the sound post production process, with passion, creativity and technical excellence. Not only do we deliver exceptional quality of work to you on time and to your specifications, we also strive to deliver the unexpected; ideas and creativity that will challenge and inspire the audience and continue to impress our clients alike. We look forward to meeting you.

"Doppler & Dubbs bring a tireless determination to make every project they work on the best it can be. Their extensive experience, energy and passion make them a real asset to any production."

− Dee Meaden – Saatchi & Saatchi

"Doppler and Dubbs’ audio expertise is vital in taking your project to the next level. Gwilym and the team were fantastic to work with and brought some great ideas to the project."

− Tom Martin - Creative Director Fast Forward Media

"Doppler & Dubbs are one of our regular go-to talents. The SFX work they provide has been consistently high-quality and the working relationship has always been flexible and friendly, resulting in great work and very happy clients."

− Ryan Stone - Lambda Films - Creative Director


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Sound Design

Your story transformed
through a universe of sound
masterfully captured
expertly designed

Music Composition

There is geometry in the humming of the strings
There is music in the spacing of the spheres

Audio Post Production

Complete control
at every stage

Sound Supervision

Technical & creative supervision for post production workflows and delivery
from stereo & 5.1 to Dolby Atmos or a Dolby Theatrical release.

ADR & Voiceover

A wealth of ADR experience for
your project from start to finish.

Final Mix & Delivery

Fully modernized & expertly
equipped sound mixing suite
with Dolby Atmos mixing

Foley & SFX Recording

For everything that moves
there is Foley

Location Sound

Stunning sound
starts on location

Dry Hire

Connected to the best facilities
across the country



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Featured Projects


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Saatchi & Saatchi is back! This time it’s for EE, a campaign to promote their brand new and most exciting EE4G devicE; a gadget which allows you to stream live HD footage from a mobile camera to any smart device, streamed to multiple users simultaneously. Enough said on that, just check out our new advert for more details! As far as sound design goes it’s been a wild ride; so much scope for creativity and innovative sonic invention. The key concept was to convey that every moment is happening across a variety of different environments simultaneously; therefore it was important for the sound design to support this. The brief was to provide a ‘Premium Documentary’ style; finding the exact sonic balance between real life and designed sound. Every sound was carefully chosen and crafted to drive the narrative; providing the richness and excitement in audio content needed. We went out and recorded mountain bikes across different terrains, using some fairly nifty recording techniques; a lot of fun and a great chance to get some fresh air – A welcome opportunity for any dark room sound editor! We feel it’s going to be a productive year delivering the sound post production for Saatchi & Saatchi, keep your eyes on this horizon!


Hackett with Sound Ideas

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Firstly, I would like to thank my favorite director and cinematographer in the world: Ollie Verschoyle.  He linked us up with London production company Duck for their upcoming Hackett advert. This project was different for all the right reasons and it’s something I feel passionately about. We were in talks about sound design and audio post production at the early stages, before the shoot happened. I cannot emphasize enough just how much difference this prior planning makes to the soundtrack. We had conference calls with the producer, director and location sound guy about all aspects of sound; location and audio post. It gave us the chance to discuss the diverse locations, and how the environmental factors of those locations were going to affect achieving good quality sound. We could then go on to plan; securing the correct technical methods for dealing with those factors.

One example of this was how to microphone a canoe for optimum sound on the Thames; the canoe being followed by a motorized  boat, swathed with London traffic and underneath a flight path. The short answer was wild track recordings off camera, and a Foley sound session to pick up specific additional details. Not much we could do about the traffic, but with no boat following it allowed us to find the quietest spot and wait for planes to pass overhead. Anything that I couldn’t use then was picked up in Foley sound.

It also gave us all the time to discuss in detail and with foresight how the advert should sound in terms of atmosphere, tone and mood. This then gave us the schedule for how to approach sound design: whether just reality, or more sustained and atmospheric. We discussed the potential for a soundscape approach, using every day sounds, then removing them from their visual cue, embedding them into the music rhythmically. Interesting; but in the end it was reality that we went for.

All these things were made possible because the time was made for pre-planning sound, in order to reach its full potential. A simple concept, but something that needs to happen on every project.

The basis of this experience is going to form my  new campaign entitled Sound Ideas. I shall be endeavoring to encourage producer’s, the world over, to inject planning for sound at the beginning of a project so that its not an afterthought.

This is the way forward if we are going to achieve the best results for our soundtracks!


The Ember is glowing

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We have been hoping for collaboration with Ember for some time now. When the day came to work the sound design on their content I was elated. Multi-talented Emmy winner, Jonathan Jones, and his superb team, asked us if we could supply the sound design and audio post production; including sound mix on a series of fashion adverts for the exclusive shoe brand Block & Last. With no location sound to work with, and a tight deadline, it was going to be a challenge to produce the audio on the 4 adverts required. But pressure is after all how we thrive! Ember were very happy with the sound results and they were a joy to work with.

Following the success of the Block and Last series, we were then asked to produce the sound design and audio post production on a series of adverts for the Norfolk Tourist Board. This time around the bar was raised! Twelve adverts in two weeks – Wow! talk about prolific. So full track lay and sound stems for atmosphere, sound design, Foley, voice over and music. Each advert was unique and carried its own exclusive set of demands for sound. One thing I will say is that I couldn’t have done it without my trusty Zoom sound recorder, I was running around, like a crazy man; picking up various Foley sounds from different sources. Well, that was just the beginning; I don’t really have the capacity to explain the rest, as it was all a blur!

For any aspiring sound person reading this I will add; the key to successful multi spot projects is consistency. Always aim for consistent sound quality throughout each film. It’s no good laying up detailed and immersive audio on half of your films, to then realize that you have run out of the time for the remainder, or only time to lay up basic audio for the rest.

The best sound starts on paper!

Darkness falls with Under The Shadow

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I was having a conversation with a friend in the pub one night; saying how I would love to work on the sound design for a horror film. Behold the next morning some old friends from the film world got in touch and asked me if I could work on the Foley sound for a film in the horror genre: an Iranian horror movie! I have secretly been longing for some film sound work so this was a very pleasant surprise. Sometimes you ask and the universe responds!

Under The Shadow takes place during the Iran/Iraq conflict during the 1980’s. An unexploded missile lands on a block of flats containing a very dark and sinister spirit. The spirit takes multiple guises and like any evil presence, begins its reign of terror and destruction.

The good people at Creativity Media including the talented Foley mixer Simon Epstein supplied me with some magnificent Foley sound tracks to work with. There was plenty of opportunity for adding my own creative flare; using sound to support the sinister narrative. Disturbing creaks, malicious door bangs and chaotic footsteps. By the end of the project I was craving more! Thanks goes to Richard Kondal at Creativity Media for this work, and I hope 2016 brings more film sound this way.

Nike – Gear Up

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We simply couldn’t refuse the opportunity to work on a Nike commercial, now could we! Our friends at Lambda got in touch with a super fast turn-around project for the sports giant brand; featuring some nifty football training skills and tricks performed by father and son. With no location sound to use, we had to get cracking on some location Foley in an old country farmhouse barn, to produce the kind of sounds we needed. With the help of my dedicated and skillful assistant David Pye we went to work on capturing all the kicks and tricks we needed for the audio, with three different microphones for the various perspectives. Then straight back to the studio for the sound design and audio mix. This was thrilling, as I knew that there was going to be budding potential for lateral thinking, with explorative sound design applications; abstract noises and other worldly sonic acrobatics.  I’m particularly keen on using animal sounds to enhance the action, so in one spot where we see the kid kicking the ball into a hole in the wall, I mixed in some lion and walrus roars to support the motion. This is not an especially new or original technique, but when done well it really works. The last time I checked the advert reached 2.5M views on You Tube so that’s a success! Thanks again Lambda for this awesome spot.

Ariel for Saatchi TV

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What would we do without Saatchi! Thanks again to my favorite director in the world Glen Milner for this spot, and time spent with the Saatchi TV department. Glen and Saatchi producer Sarah Allen asked us to supply the sound design and audio post-production including audio mix on their latest advert for Ariel.

We had the luxury of an outsource mix at Art for Noise in Soho, so many thanks must go to Ben for his hard work and diligence. I must say it was very nice to take a back seat during a sound mix for once! And Ben did a fantastic job at supplying all the many audio prints on time. It was tight, but with his help, it was all possible!


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Welcome back Storyculture; with a superb little animation for Unilever! This one has really been the epitome of creativity in terms of sound design and music; an equal collaboration between the D&D sound house, multi talented composer Charlotte Harding and expert producer David Pye. With no existing sound to work with, we constructed every sonic ingredient from scratch to support the storytelling.

With all eyes and ears finely tuned, we decided to create the perfect synchronicity between the visuals, music and sound. Extensive time and careful planning was given, ensuring all the visual edits were emphasized; punctuated with musical rhythms and sound design elements.

Charlotte did a magnificent job at creating the score, whilst David laid up some extra percussion, and mixed in some additional musical elements with specialist precision. We also had a lot of fun providing all the sound design parts for the diverse visual pallet, all synced up in time with the picture and the music.

The results; a seamless sonic harmony of sound fx and music. Storyculture were over the moon; the all important client – very happy indeed!

Only bad news, it was an internal job so couldn’t be featured on our portfolio! Oh well, hopefully next time guys.




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A documentary is always a great pleasure and welcome break from the fast paced world of advertising. This one was for acclaimed director Glen Milner on his independent project Elders. The story follows the lives of Britain’s longest married couple, Karam and Kartari Chand, who are 110 and 103. They tied the knot in India in 1925 during the British Raj and moved to England 40 years later.

Naturally it was our job to provide Glen and his team with the very best in sound design and audio post production. We enjoyed this project immensely, and took great pride in providing the sound mix for this fantastic documentary. Doppler & Dubbs would like to wish him the best of luck for its release this year with Channel 4 and as always, we are looking forward to the next one! Thanks Glen!

Check out the BBC news piece on the oldest married couple in Britain.



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- Our Second Cousin

- Supervising Sound Designers, Dialogue / Audio Editing & Mixing


- Bandit Country

- Sound Supervision, Sound Design, Dialogue Editing / Mixing


- Stink Films London

- Sound Design, Music Editor and Mix

Ralph Lauren – Wimbledon

- Knock Knocking

- Sound Design, Music Composition and Mix

Sound Design 2024

- Doppler & Dubbs

- Sound Design & Mix

Tesco Community Fund

- Blue State

- Location Recording, Audio Editing & Mix


- Shaun Leong-Williams

- Sound Design, Audio Editing & Mix

Lotus Evija – The Creator

- Lambda Films

Music Composition, Sound Design & Mix - -

The Fossil Hunter

- Heist Films

Music Composition, Sound Design & Mix -


- Paramount Pictures

Zombie Vocals, VO Record, ADR Mixing -

HPZ2 Vs BAC Mono

- Rockstar Films

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

Formula1 – Carbon Gods

- Whisper Films / CH4

Music Composition, Sound Design, Production, Location Recording & Mix - [Featurette and Trailer]

Gemfields – Emerald

- Lambda Films

Music Composition, Sound Design & Mix -

Autodesk – VFX Showreel 2017

- Autodesk

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

PIXAR Renderman – SFX Reel 2016


- Music Composition, Production & Mix

Madonna – Sticky&Sweet World Tour Intro

- Madonna / Rockstar Films

Sound Design -

Top Boy – Series 3

- Netflix

Foley Editing -

Autodesk – Media Collection

- Autodesk

Music Composition, Production & Mix -


- Heist Films

- Music Composition, Sound Design & Mix


- Heist Films

- Music Composition, Sound Design & Mix


- Sky

Foley Editing -

Rising Tide – World Ocean Day

- Lambda Films

Music Composition & Mix - Music Composer

City University – Bayes Business School

- Lambda Films

Sound Design & Mix -

BAC Mono – Take The Wheel


- Music Composition, Sound Design, Location Recording & Mix

Havana Club

- Doppler & Dubbs

Doppler & Dubbs - Sound Design & Mix

Autodesk – Fusion-360 Vs BAC Mono

- Autodesk / BAC Mono

Music Composition, Sound Design, Production & Mix -

Rockstar Films – Reel 2019

- Rockstar Films

Music Composition, Sound Design, Production & Mix -

BAC – Mono 2 Launch GFOS 2019

- BAC Mono

Music Composition, Sound Design ,Production & Mix -

AMD V’s WSR – Trailer

- Rockstar Films

Music Composition, Production, Sound Design, Location Recording & Mix -

Autodesk – VFX Showreel 2018

- Autodesk

Music Composition, Production & Mix -


- Duck

Sound Design & Mix -

Milk VFX – Trailer

- Autodesk

Music Composition, Song Writing, Production & Mix -

Apple Music Festival – TVC

- Apple Music

Music Composition, Production, Sound Design & Mix -

Narnia – Voyage Of The Dawntreader

- Walden Media

Sound Editorial Assistance -

Nike Gear Up

- Lambda

Sound Design & Mix -

PIXAR – Renderman @ MPC London


Music Composition, Production, Location Recording & Mix -

I Am Bolt

- Creativity Media

Foley Mixing & Editing -

Rekorderlig Cider

- Saatchi & Saatchi

Sound Design & Mix -

Art For Cure – Brand Film

- Spindle Films

Music Composition, Production, Sound Design & Mix -

Apple Music ARIA Awards – Best Album

- Apple Music

Apple Music ARIA Awards Packages 2016 & 2017 - Audio Editing & Mix -

Bugzy Malone – ‘And What’ Freestyle

- Bugzy Malone

Location Recording, Production & Mix -

The Windsors

- Channel 4

Foley Editing -

People Just Do Nothing – Big in Japan

- Roughcut Films

Foley Editing -

Hoseasons – 2020 TVC

- Heist Films

Sound Design & Mix -

Ariel – Long Distance Lovers

- Saatchi & Saatchi

Sound Design & Mix -

Mastercard – ‘For The Explorers’

- Brandex

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

The Dutchess

- Netflix

Foley Editing -

Black Diamond – TVC

- Spindle Films

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

About Time

- Working Title

ADR Mixing -

Life Stories

- Ember Films

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

Firetrap – Brand Film

- Underdog

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

EE 4G Action Cam

- Saatchi & Saatchi

Sound Design, Location SFX Recording & Mix -

Pi-Top – Brand Film

- Pi-Top

Audio Branding, Music Composition, Production, Location Recording & Mix -

Cuban Fury

- Studio Canal

ADR Mixing -

MILK VFX – Day In A Life

- Autodesk

Music Composition, Song Writing, Production & Mix -

Hooligan Factory

- Think Big Productions

Foley Mixing & Editing -

Autodesk – BAC Mono Brand Film

- Autodesk

Music Composition, Production, Location Recording & Mix -

Autodesk – Maya – KNGDM

- Autodesk

Music Composition, Production, Sound Design & Mix -


- Hat Trick Productions

Foley Editing -

Autodesk – Maya – IceTron3000 Trailer

- Autodesk

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

Moshi Monsters Movie

- Universal Pictures

Foley Mixing -

Pixar – RenderMan 22 Teaser

- Pixar

Music Composition, Production, Voice Over Recording & Mix -

The Zero Theorem

- Voltage Pictures

Foley Mixing -

Wall of Death

- Rockstar Films

Music Composition, Production & Mix -


- Sky

Foley Editing -

WEX – More Than An Image – Giles Duley

- Forward

Sound Design & Mix -

Blue Bloods – Series 10


Foley Editing -

The Good Fight


Foley Editing -


- Ember Films

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

Under The Shadow

- WigWam Films

Foley Mixing & Editing -

Before I Go To Sleep

- Studio Canal

VO Recording -

Debbie Boon – Artist

- Heist Films

Music Composition, Production & Mix -

I Am Not A Witch

- Creativity Media

Foley Mixing & Editing -

Burn The Place You Hide – Film Trailer

- Native Weapon Films

Sound Design, Production & Mix -


- Rockstar Films

Music Composition, Sound Design, Production & Mix -

Block & Last – Mark Gattis

- Ember Films

Sound Design & Mix -

Apple Music Festival – Trailer


Music Composition, Sound Design, Production & Mix -

The Wedding Video

- Entertainment Film

Foley Mixing & Editing -

Saturdays GreatestHits – TVC

- Polydor Records

Audio Editing & Mix -

The Time Of Their Lives

- Creativity Media

Foley Mixing & Editing -


- Lambda

Sound Design & Mix -

Embrace – Gain Theory

- Embrace/ Rockstar Films

Music Composition, Production & Mix -


- Destiny Films

Foley Mixing & Editing -


- CFC / Brandex

Music Composition, Sound Design, VO & Mix -


- Tall Tree Pictures

Foley Mixing & Editing -

Alanis Morisette – TVC

- Maverick Records

Audio Editing & Mix -

Interlude In Prague

- Creativity Media

Foley Mixing & Editing -


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Don’t hesitate to reach out!

We want to hear from storytellers; film makers, artists, animators and creatives. Basically anybody who wants to make exciting content.

We are firm believers that a good story should be told, no matter what size, shape or form. It’s our job to carry your story with the sonic inventiveness and vision needed from conception to completion.

So drop us a line and say hello!

Doppler & Dubbs
Norwich – UK




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Who Are We?

With at least 35 years of industry experience and holding positions in some of the UKs top creative studios facilities and consultationroles, our team can be scaled to any size of project from bespoke Music production to providing an entire sound department. Working as individuals or as a team, our skills cover the entire array of the sound post process, our creative minds provide the storytelling and our technical skills to deliver the shine that every project needs, whether it be TV, Film, Commercial, Art Installation or Advertising.

We provide a warm and inviting environment for our clients, maintaining a boutique feel whilst offering the very best in high end technology and resources. Our environment is something different, and our talent, passion and expertise forms a level of service that continues to impress our clients day by day.

Our Skills

  • Sound Design
  • Music Composition
  • Dialogue Editing
  • ADR Mixing & Editing
  • Foley Mixing & Editing
  • Multi Channel Re Recording Mixing

Key Operatives

David Escott

David Escott

Partner, Composer, Sound Designer, Audio Editor & Re Recording Mixer

Gwilym Perry

Gwilym Perry

Partner, Sound Designer, Foley Mixer & Editor

"Doppler & Dubbs bring a tireless determination to make every project they work on the best it can be. Their extensive experience, energy and passion make them a real asset to any production."

− Dee Meaden – Saatchi & Saatchi

"Doppler and Dubbs’ audio expertise is vital in taking your project to the next level. Gwilym and the team were fantastic to work with and brought some great ideas to the project."

− Tom Martin - Creative Director Fast Forward Media

"Doppler & Dubbs are one of our regular go-to talents. The SFX work they provide has been consistently high-quality and the working relationship has always been flexible and friendly, resulting in great work and very happy clients."

− Ryan Stone - Lambda Films - Creative Director